Empowering Nurses at the Bedside and in Business

Archive: Oct 2017

Looking for a Nursing Job?

Tired looking for a nursing job

Frequently, nurses tell me that they are having trouble finding a job and think it is because either their previous job is talking negatively “black ball” about them or there is a Board matter in their past.  I stumbled across this article that I want to share it with you.  You can find it at: http://scrubsmag.com/confessions-from-hospital-hr-heres-why-we-didnt-hire-you/view-all/ and it is a […]

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Are Employers Looking At Your Social Media?

Katie Duke, who was on the reality TV show “NY Med,” was fired after posting a picture of the mess in a trauma room without the patient present.  The problem was that by watching the program, people knew where she worked and who knows if this was one of the scenes from the show.  Her employer fired Katie after they […]

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