Empowering Nurses at the Bedside and in Business

Nursing Brain vs. Business Owner Brain


As a nurse, we are usually employed by somebody who provides us with a paycheck and benefits for the hours that we work. They usually provide continuing education as well as all the supplies and equipment for us to do our jobs … sometimes even the scrubs!

However, as business owners, it is up to us to provide everything. We are now responsible to generate our own income for our salary, benefits and we are now responsible for all our equipment and supplies.

As nurses, we just had to show up to work and we got paid. But as business owners, we must generate the work to get paid.

It just takes a simple change in our mindset to go from a nursing brain to a business owner’s brain. That new mindset is that business is everywhere and all I have to do is just ask people to work with me.

The only thing that stands in our way is our beliefs. Do we believe that there are people out there who want to work with us and pay us? More on that in the next article.

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