Empowering Nurses at the Bedside and in Business

Archive: Sep 2022

You are the Master of Your Mind

As a business owner, it is so important that we are masters of our minds. Dr. Joe Dispenza says that our body is really our mind because we are a system of habits.  When we awaken, we unconsciously get out of bed, go to the bathroom, brush our teeth, put the coffee on and do the same habits we do […]

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When you are triggered

I don’t know about you but when I was practicing (and even now), certain things would trigger me. So, I thought I would share these steps to help you work through times when you are triggered because being triggered at work can lead to mistakes in your practice, upset, frustration, resentment and makes you appear to your coworkers like you […]

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Do you have a paper trail?

In nursing, documentation is everything! Figuratively speaking, I believe that you will live or die by your documentation. And when it comes to license defense and protecting your license, the same is true. I am not talking about just documentation in a medical record but I’m talking about protecting your license. You need a paper trail! So many times, I […]

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Darned if you do, Darned if you don’t!

  Beverly Ann Bratcher was an LPN working in Michigan at the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans in December 2020 when she became aware that 2 incorrect medication doses had been administered to one specific patient.  Ms. Bratcher failed to report this error to her supervisor and now faces a criminal charge of second degree vulnerable adult abuse.  [Story] I […]

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What Is Crisis Staffing In Nursing?

  During the pandemic, several institutions had to resort to what is called “crisis staffing.” This is when facilities find themselves operating under extreme circumstances such as emergencies, disasters or overburdening situations such as pandemics and they are required to change circumstances. A number of hospitals have experienced examples of crisis staffing including Penn Medicine. At Penn, when there is […]

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