Get More Cases Now
“Finally Revealed…The Ultimate Shortcut, ‘Step-By-Step’ System That Removes All The Guesswork From Growing Your Legal Nurse Consulting Business, Life Care Planning Business And Nurse Expert Witness Business And Getting More Cases In Your Legal Nurse Practice,
(Even If You Are Just Starting).”
“STOP Struggling, And Use My Own Secret Proprietary System For Getting More Cases,
Making More Money, And Saving Yourself TONS Of Time And Frustration!”
From: Lorie A. Brown, R.N., M.N., J.D.,
Indianapolis, IN
Dear Colleague,
I was scared; I did not know how I was going to support my children. I remember going to McDonalds and getting happy meals to eat and saving the toys to give them to my son as a present for his birthday.
When I was a partner in the law firm, I disliked marketing. Everybody wanted to play golf, drink alcohol, and smoke cigars. I did none of these. On my own I was really concerned because I did not know how I was going to make ends meet.
One day, I hit rock bottom. I was sitting on my kitchen floor crying and vomiting from morning sickness, wondering how I was going to make ends meet and support my children. Finally, I said “If it was meant to be, it is up to me”. I went to the library, read all of the books on marketing, but there was nothing out there for Legal Nurse Consultants. Nurses are caregivers and not business people. There was nothing specific to attracting medically related cases from attorneys.
Invest in yourself NOW!
Only $495
(Get More Cases Home Study System)
Participating in Lorie’s program ‘Taking Your LNC Business to the Next Level’ facilitated my ability to take a long, hard look at myself as a legal nurse consultant and to effectively market myself as a qualified, professional legal nurse consultant. Lorie is an enthusiastic encourager of other LNCs. Her encouragement helped me to appreciate the fact that I am a registered nurse with skill and knowledge that attorneys truly need in order to achieve successful case outcomes.
Meeting and interacting with the other LNCs in the program enabled me to realize they experienced many of the same feelings of inadequacy that I struggled with. Having the ability to share information with each other during the program, I received insights into marketing giveaways that directly benefit attorneys, along with exhibiting and advertising opportunities that have assisted me in working toward expanding my LNC business.
Prior to participating in this program,
- I permitted attorneys to tell me what they were willing to pay for my LNC services
- I repeatedly poured marketing dollars down a “black hole”, while achieving little or no return on my investment.
- I felt I was simply “marking time” as an old RN legal nurse consultant who was waiting to become old enough to begin receiving Social Security, when I could expect to have a regular source of income.
After participating in this program,
- I confidently inform attorneys of my hourly fee, working with them to establish initial time parameters for the requested service, contacting them should additional time be required and to explain the reason for the additional time.
- I have refocused my marketing strategy toward those endeavors that are directed at my “target audience” of attorneys and those that provide the most “bang for the buck”.
- Since the program, cases have come in one after another. The key was changing my mindset from an “old RN” who was “marking time” to the mindset of an “experienced RN” who has a lot of knowledge to benefit the attorney-client.
Three most significant improvements since participating in the program:
- I have acquired confidence in speaking with attorneys regarding their potential cases, secure in my ability to rely on my nursing education, training and experience to provide the legal nurse consulting services their cases require.
- I have obtained three new attorney-clients that regularly provide casework.
- I have been retained as a nurse expert witness.
Julie R. Gunn RN, CLNC – Greenwood, IN
*Julie was a participant in the Taking Your Business to the Next Level coaching program which is the basis of the Get More Cases Home Study Program
Prior to Lorie Brown’s LNC Mentor Class, “Taking Your LNC Business to the Next Level,” I had a lot of fear regarding marketing and speaking with attorneys. The role playing, elevator drill, possible attorney objections, and other marketing techniques have tremendously diminished that fear and increased my confidence Lorie’s LNC workbook is a great asset and compliments the class. Her feedback & personal encouragement are definitely what I needed! I would definitely recommend Lorie’s classes. Thanks Lorie!!
Kim Milburn, RN, BSN, ALNC – Columbia, MO
*Kim was a participant in the Taking Your Business to the Next Level coaching program which is the basis of the Get More Cases Home Study Program
Trust me, I worked hard trying to figure out a system that would get me more cases. I just wanted to give up hope, but there was a little voice inside of me saying, “Your children need you, you can figure out a way to do this”.
Obviously, I made a ton of mistakes along the way, some of them I am embarrassed to tell you about, and some actually cost me a lot of money. Because I made all of the mistakes, the good news is I want to save you from those mistakes.
The problem was there was nothing out there that could teach me the entire process to get more cases. I was a pioneer in the area and many attorneys did not know what a Legal Nurse Consultant was. There were also other Legal Nurse Consultants out there doing the same thing and not charging for what they were worth. I created a system to put everything in one place, specifically designed for Legal Nurse Consultants to get more cases.
I want to give you everything that I have used to create my business, where I had 8 Legal Nurse Consultants who work for me, because I have so many cases.
Lorie Brown’s Coaching Program resuscitated my marketing efforts which resulted in doubling my client base in two months. Before working with Lorie, I intended to take my legal nurse consulting business to the next level. But a busy family and work schedule procrastinated implementation of my marketing plan and the plan ended up on the bottom of my to do pile. I had decided to tackle the project when I had more time, which wasn’t looking to be very soon unless I changed my mindset and took action. My first step was to complete Lorie’s Coaching Program.
I appreciate that Lorie freely shared her knowledge and experiences as a business woman, nurse and attorney and provided support, encouragement and accountability to our group. Through her coaching program, she motivated, energized and focused my marketing activities. My number of clients, income and confidence has increased by 100%. The take home point of the program that influenced me the most was, “No doesn’t mean never, it just means not now”.
Jeannette Cummings, BS, RN- Laguana Niguel, CA
*Jeannette was a initial participant in the coaching program which is recorded and part of the Get More Cases Home Study Program
I feel I was very fortunate to be a part of your program and that the money was well spent. Your stories and examples helped overcome some of the “negatives” that we come up against as we contact attorneys. You gave several alternate ways of contacting attorneys (meetings, seminars, speaking engagements), as well as reaching out to fellow LNCs through networking. Your input was invaluable in helping me to focus on what I need to do to grow my business. Also, the opportunity to be in a small group was very helpful in getting feedback and suggestions, plus expanding my list of other LNCs and their areas of expertise. I would certainly recommend this to other legal nurses and would be happy to talk to them about the course!
Anne Root, RN, -Dyer, IN
*Anne was a initial participant in the coaching program which is recorded and part of the Get More Cases Home Study Program
I now make more money then I did as a partner in a law firm. I have time to go on field trips with my children and to work when I want, to have the freedom and flexibility to come and go as I please. I am not stuck working weekends and holidays as I had been as a nurse, and not worried about billing a million hours a day, as I did in the law firm. I use a simple marketing plan which allows my name to be seen in different places and attract more cases.
Because I wanted to share my knowledge with others, I started coaching Legal Nurse Consultants on growing their business. The people that I coached utilized the system and were having great results. I then decided to write a book called, The Legal Nurse Consultants Workbook: Turning Your Nursing Knowledge Into a Successful Consulting Practice. However, while the book answered a lot of questions and taught you my system, it was not the same as me coaching people on growing their business because the book can’t talk back. I then started coaching groups. Again individuals in the group had a lot of success with my system. Therefore, I recorded my group coaching sessions, transcribed the content of the sessions, along with along with the exercises, and have included them in my “Get More Cases System”. This system will show you exactly how you can get more cases.
So what is the “Get More Cases System”? It is the complete marketing training system and took kit compiled of everything that you need to grow your practice, so that you have tons of cases. The system includes 8 CD’s packed full of content from my Take Your Business to The Next Level Program, the 200+ page transcript of the entire program, which along with the CD’s will give you everything you need to grow your business.
Get More Cases System in a Multi Media OrganizerGet More Cases System in a Multi Media Organizer containing the Complete Get More Cases Home System, shipped immediately to you.
Value: $997.00
Plus 2 BONUS CD’S You’ll Want to Listen to Immediately Bonus CD #1 Interview Interview with a prestigious nationally known attorney who describes exactly what he looks for when utilizing a Legal Nurse Consultant Bonus CD #2 Interview Interview with the top attorney in the State of Indiana, whose practice deals with many Nursing Home Litigation cases. He discusses the value and benefits he receives from utilizing a Legal Nurse Consultant Bonus #3 Powerpoint Presentation “Getting in the Door of Potential Attorney Clients” Bonus #4 CD presentation exclusively for Life Care Planners and Nurse Experts Extra Bonus A live 75 minute Q&A coaching session so you can get all your questions answered after you have had a chance to complete the system. An take the info and implement it right away. Don’t worry if you can’t make it, it will be recorded. Total Value= $297
THAT’S NOT ALL – HERE ARE MORE BONUSES You will receive samples of:
Lorie Brown’s course Taking Your Business to the Next Level was well worth the investment! Lorie has not only the knowledge but the enthusiasm to help you make you and your business a success! Her real-life experiences and marketing techniques are do-able and inexpensive. The format of the class allows LNC’s from across the country to interact and share ideas while making each class member accountable for their own success. Through the classes Lorie helped me to see what my own personal stumbling blocks were and she helped me “get out of my own way” so I could get my business started on the right path. I highly recommend Lorie’s class to anyone with an LNC business who wants to as the title says “take your business to the next level”.
Robin Gonzales, RN,- Glenville, NY
*Robin was a initial participant in the coaching program which is recorded and part of the Get More Cases Home Study Program
I took Lorie Brown’s class this past year. Before I started her class, I had one subcontractor that was full time busy. While I had good luck with marketing, I wanted her class to take my business to the next level.
Lorie’s class follows a basic four week outline; the necessary components for a successful LNC business. Her motto that an attorney needs to know, like and trust you is very powerful-I find myself repeating that mantra (for lack of a better word) repeatedly. The information regarding the elevator speech was incredibly helpful, as well as her marketing suggestions.
My business motto is to leave no stone unturned in taking my business to success. Her class provided me the additional impetus to super charge my business. I now have two subcontractors that are full time busy!!
I do believe that any LNC that takes her class will have no regrets and can also have success!!!
Wendy Votroubek, RN, MPH, CLNC
*She got 8 new cases in the first week.Wendy was a participant in the Taking Your Business to the Next Level coaching program which is the basis of the Get More Cases Home Study Program
Congratulations! Once you put this easy to follow system into place, you are well on your way to getting more cases. It is simple, especially when someone shows you exactly how, including all the worksheets and samples of everything you need to get more cases.
We took Lorie’s class and have received several more cases from attorneys since.
We feel more confident in our presentations and our overall confidence has improved
JLH Consultants, LLC- New Philadelphia, Ohio
*JLH Consultants, LLC was an initial participant in the coaching program which is recorded and part of the Get More Cases Home Study Program
- Create a mindset of success. Some people have success sending emails, others have success doing direct mail, and some don’t have success with either of these techniques. One thing is for sure, what separates the people that have success is their mindset of success and their commitment to do what ever it takes to have a successful business.
- Create an elevator drill, which is filled with the value and benefits that your services provide to the attorney and let the attorney tell you his/her needs.
- Determine the obstacles that are holding you back and the stories that you are telling yourself why you can’t be successful and overcome these.
- Develop your marketing plan.
If you are ready to get off the fence and commit to changing your mindset, discovering what is holding you back from getting the success you need and developing a no excuses approach to having your business be successful, then this is your time to say yes to the GET MORE CASES HOME STUDY SYSTEM.
OK, I’m Ready to get more cases! What NOW?
Good, sounds like you are ready to get more cases. Simply by purchasing this product you have taken action that will help you succeed in your business. If you use this system you can get more cases. Here’s how you can proceed: Click here to go to checkout.
Invest in yourself NOW!
Only $495
(Get More Cases Home Study Program)
Is this System right for ME?
- If you have a willing desire to grow you LNC business with a no excuses approach and are willing to do what ever it takes to have it happen, but just need the right tools.
- If you wake up at night concerned about your business, then this program is for you.
- If you have tried everything else and nothing has worked, and are committed to trying something new, this program is for you.
- If you are frustrated about the time and money you put into marketing and have not been getting the results that you deserve, this program is for you.
- If you feel overwhelmed and confused about marketing, it’s not your fault. That is all about to change. Yes it is true, there are a lot of tools you do have in your arsenal, yet you will be shown exactly how to market your business and results comes easily. Marketing becomes easy and fun.
If for any reason you are not 100% satisfied we will gladly refund you for up to 60 days from the date of purchase!
If you are ready to get more cases than take the next step and click here:
Only $495
(Get More Cases Home Study Program)