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Empowering Nurses at the Bedside and in Business

Nurse Practitioner Business School

Enjoy The Freedom Of Your Own Profitable Private Practice

Join The Nurse Practitioner Biz School And Discover Proven Success Secrets

Dear Nurse Practitioner,

More and more Nurse Practitioners are starting their own practices. Are you one of them? Do you want to be?

Medical nurse smilingThe rewards are many…

  • You enjoy greater independence – set your own schedule, hire your own staff, design your own working environment.
  • You earn more money – a private practice means you can make well over $100,000 a year, which is higher than most NP salaries.
  • You get to choose the patient population you want to serve – and even carve out a well-paying niche in an underserved community.

Sounds good, doesn’t it? But here’s the problem… most Nurse Practitioners don’t have experience running a business. You went to medical school, not business school.

Are you struggling to figure out…

How to handle all the responsibilities of running a business while caring for your patients?

How make sure your practice is profitable with a healthy cash flow?

How to get the word out about your new practice?

How to find the right support staff?

How to avoid legal pitfalls as a sole proprietor?

concerned nurseThese are very valid concerns.

Sadly, despite good intentions, many healthcare professionals have to close their doors every year.

They excel at caring for their patients but they don’t have experience in avoiding the pitfalls in managing a business, marketing their practice, or protecting themselves from legal issues that can quickly snowball into nightmares.

Whether you’re just considering opening your own private practice or you have already, I want to share what I’ve learned in my 20+ years of experience as a successful entrepreneur and an attorney.

Because I wholeheartedly believe you can avoid the pitfalls and build a sustainable and profitable private practice.

Nurse Practitioner Biz School –
The Stress-Free Approach To Running A Private Practice

Now some business “gurus” like to claim that if you follow your passion you’ll automatically be successful. I’ve built several profitable businesses from the ground up and I’ve found it to be a bit more complicated than that.

But it certainly doesn’t need to be stressful, overwhelming or frustrating.

You just need to be prepared! Which is why I’ve design the Nurse Practitioner Biz School to prepare you for life as the owner of your own successful private practice.

This school will prepare you to:

  • Build your business on a rock-solid foundation. You’ll have your own customized business plan that will help you navigate legal issues and establish a healthy cash flow right from the start.
  • Avoid costly pitfalls when it comes to marketing your business. You’ll learn proven strategies that will get the word out and keep your practice full.
  • Become a pro at balancing patient care with running a business. You’ll know how to care for your patients, what to delegate to others, and how to keep up with it all so you can still find time for yourself.
  • Be confident in your ability to run your own successful practice. You’ll replace doubts and insecurity with confidence because you know you have the tools you need to handle any challenge that comes your way.

The reason you will be ultra-prepared is because in addition to an amazing curriculum (more on that below) you get personal coaching from me on how to make this work. So when you’re stuck, when you hit a roadblock, or when you have a burning question you have direct access to me personally.

Lorie A Brown

Your Business Coach & Mentor

I started my career as a nurse and practiced in a variety of nursing fields, including medical surgical nursing, management and administration. However, I felt I couldn’t provide the level of care I wanted because of antiquated rules, nursing culture, and even unit status quo.

So I made a career shift and studied law at Indiana University, earning her J.D. in 1990. I ended up working for a firm where I defended hospitals, nurses and physicians. I loved my job and did a great job… until the major source of my practice went out of business. I found myself without a job, pregnant with my second child, a huge mortgage, and the sole source of support for my family.

I decided that I wanted to be in control of my own destiny and fully embraced becoming an entrepreneur.

It happened literally overnight with no experience on how to run a business. In the beginning I made mistakes. But over time, working with top-of-the-line business coaches and some trial and error, I learned how to run a profitable business as an LNC consultant and went on to establish a thriving practice as an attorney helping healthcare professionals protect their license and their career.

Today, my passion is helping healthcare professionals flourish as entrepreneurs through my books, online programs and transformational retreats.

Discover How To Create A Profitable Practice On Your Own Terms

This school is specifically for Nurse Practitioners. If you’re currently running your own private practice you’ll benefit immediately from this training. Join us even if you’re just considering opening your private practice. This will give you an incredibly solid foundation so you can open your doors with confidence.

Here’s a sneak peak into the curriculum:

LearningInsurance vs. Concierge Format – Which one is a better fit?

  • What Type of Legal Entity – LLC, S Corp, C Corp…figure out where you belong.
  • Where to Work – Should you rent or buy a space?
  • Equipment – What do you need before you open your doors?
  • Biz Plan – Do you really need this? (Yes! Learn how to create one.)
  • Financing – How to get the capital you need to get started.
  • Insurance for your Practice – How to find comprehensive yet affordable coverage.
  • Work Comp, Malpractice, General Liability – Entangle the insurance web and protect your practice.
  • Financial Management – How to manage cash flow so you don’t get yourself in trouble.
  • Understand Needs, Pain Points, Ideal Clients – Identify your niche in healthcare.
  • How to Market – Learn how to create a brand that patients trust.
  • Where to Market – How to find the patients that are looking for you.
  • Creating Raving Fans – How the little things make a big difference to your patients.
  • Flow of Practice/Scheduling – Avoid scheduling nightmares.
  • Labs Logistics – Get your labs done quickly.
  • Retail Logistics – Learn how to increase profits with retails products such as supplements.

As you can see, this is an incredibly comprehensive curriculum.

In addition to learning what to do, you’ll learn what NOT to do. Sometimes that’s more important! Most likely you’ve never owned a business before, so you don’t have experience in avoiding the pitfalls in managing and marketing your practice.

What you’re going to learn in this school is critical to avoiding costly mistakes that can close your doors for good. Instead, you’ll walk away from this school with the tools you need to create a sustainable, profitable practice.

Learn Hard Won Secrets to Setting Up a Profitable Practice

Super SecretsThis is not a cookie-cutter program. I’ve found the best way to teach this curriculum is through a Group Coaching Intensive. This way you get personal mentorship from me on everything you need to know about marketing and running a profitable business as well as support from fellow Nurse Practitioners around the country.

Please know this Coaching Intensive is designed to start where you are now. Whether you’re just getting your practice started or have been at it for a while, you’ll get the tools, strategies and support you need to be successful. My perspective is unique because I have experience as a healthcare professional, an attorney and a business owner.

We will meet together for 6 live group coaching sessions to cover the areas in your practice where you are struggling to get traction. These dynamic sessions will answer your questions and give you practical advice you can implement right away.

Get in touch to ask about the schedule


If you miss one or more calls please be assured that every call will be recorded and made available as a MP3 you can download and listen to around your convenience.

As soon as you signup I’ll send you an invitation to join us so we can start interacting even before our first session!

I want you to have all the tools you need to be successful. So I’m giving you some additional bonuses.  These are amazing tools to help you quickly become more adept at marketing your business.

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Are You Ready To Work With A Caring, Supportive Mentor Committed To Getting You Results?

The investment for this program, including the bonuses is $995 Initial Program Tuition $495. Will your investment pay off? Yes! It took me years of trial-and-error to learn everything I’m going to share with you in just a few short weeks. And even better you’ll get my loyal and enthusiastic support as your mentor. I’m available to answer any questions or coach you over any hurdles.

You Should Know That Your 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

I want this program to empower your career. So you can join me for the first call and if you are not completely satisfied, you will receive a full refund. Just let me know before our second call. Rest assured that you can make this investment in your career with confidence.

Enter your information below to be added to the wait-list

Lorie A Brown
I can’t wait to get started! As soon as you sign-up I’ll send you your materials so you can start preparing now for a profitable private practice that allows you to help patients on your own terms!

To your ongoing success!

Lorie Brown R.N., M.N., J.D.
Nurse-Attorney and Founder of Brown Law Office, LLC
Founder of Empowered Nurses Organization

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