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Empowering Nurses at the Bedside and in Business

Legal Nurse Consultants

Lorie Brown, Nurse Attorney, shares with LNCs what they really need to be successful

Let me share a little bit about my background as a LNC…

I was a pioneer in this field at a time when most attorneys didn’t even know what a Legal Nurse Consultant was. At first, I made plenty of mistakes! My biggest discovery was that you don’t need additional education to get started, because attorneys are interested in your nursing experience.

What I desperately needed was a system to get more cases and build trusting relationships with attorneys so that I always had a full caseload. When I finally figured it out, I ended up hiring eight Legal Nurse Consultants to work for me and went on to build a six-figure consulting practice.

I later found many LNCs were facing the exact same challenges I had in the beginning. So, I started coaching them on my system for growing their business. They were blown away by their results.

Please fill out the box on the top right to download your free report – 50 Ways to Get In the Door to Potential Attorney Clients. It just goes to show there are many ways to get business.  You can get started using them right away since these proven strategies work!

After that, please feel free to visit my LNC Resource Page, which outlines coaching programs and other support that have empowered LNCs like you to create successful practices for themselves.

Or better yet, let’s hop on a call.

Sometimes it’s hard to nail down what’s working and what isn’t in your business. I’ll help you figure out what’s getting in the way from reaching your full potential and come up with a customized plan for success!  You can schedule a complimentary 15-minute Strategy session with me by calling (317) 465-1065.

LNC Coaching Intensive

This Coaching Intensive with Lorie is designed to catapult your business to the next level. You’ll be given the tools, strategies and support you need to propel you to more cases and more profits. This 3 month program includes live interactive group coaching sessions that cover the areas in your practice where you are struggling to get traction. These dynamic sessions will answer your questions and give you practical advice you can implement right away.

Click here to get started

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