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Empowering Nurses at the Bedside and in Business

Nurse Business Owners

A message from Lorie Brown, Nurse Attorney and founder of Empowered Nurses, on how to create a profitable and enjoyable business.

I’ve discovered many nurses are choosing to leave their traditional nursing careers behind and start their own businesses. I know nurses who are wellness coaches, trainers, concierge nurses, legal nurse consultants, run home health agencies, staffing agencies and so much more.

What about you? Do you want more freedom, flexibility and the ability give yourself a well-deserved raise?

But here’s the problem… most nurses don’t have experience running a business. You went to nursing school, not business school. You may worry that you don’t have experience in avoiding the pitfalls in managing a business. Whether you’re just considering starting your own business venture or you have already, I want to share what I’ve learned in my 20+ years of experience as a successful entrepreneur, nurse, and attorney.

Please fill out the box on the top right to download your free report – The Nurses’ Business Legal Checklist. This is the best way to get started figuring out what you need to do to run an ethical and profitable business.

After that, please feel free to visit my Nurses in Business Resource Page, which outlines coaching programs and other support that have helped nurses like you create empowered businesses for themselves.

Even better, let’s hop on a call. Sometimes it’s hard to nail down what’s working and what isn’t in your business. I’ll help you figure out what’s getting in the way from reaching your full potential and come up with a customized plan for success! Call (317) 465-1065.


Nurses Biz School

This school is specifically for nurses who are or want to be business owners. It will prepare you to build your business on a rock-solid foundation, avoid costly pitfalls when it comes to marketing, legal issues and become a pro at balancing the responsibilities of running a profitable business. Learn when the next Nurse Biz School is scheduled to begin.

Learn when the next Nurse Biz School is scheduled to begin

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