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Empowering Nurses at the Bedside and in Business

Empowered Nurses Use Their GIFTS to Accomplish New Year’s Resolutions


If you are like me at this time of year, you sit down and think about your New Year’s resolutions.  And if you look back on this past year and think about the resolutions that you had at the beginning of 2013, you probably will admit that many of those have not been accomplished.

Every year, and probably several times during the year, I make a resolution to lose weight.  Sometimes I lose weight and I gain it back but sometimes I don’t lose any weight at all.  I had every intention of accomplishing my New Year’s resolution yet, when it comes down to it, I did not accomplish my goal.  And what’s worse, I know exactly why!

I suggest using the GIFTS system, which works in your personal life as well as your career.  GIFTS: G is for “Giving”…I is for “Integrity”…F is for “Follow through”…T is for “Trust” and S is for “Source.”

The reason why I have not been successful with weight lost is because I was not using my GIFTS.

I was not giving to myself.  Initially I had the best of intentions, I was all prepared, I was ready to give to myself the proper food and exercise to help me lose weight but as life got in the way I ran out of time to be able to prepare what I needed to do to give to myself healthy food to lose weight.  By not planning, I would get hungry and just grab something that was not in my program.

Then, I wouldn’t be in integrity with myself because I’d say, “Well, it was just one piece of cake to tide me over and I won’t do it again.”  Well, we know how that goes!  Then the next party I go to that serves cake, I eat the cake again.

Next, I didn’t follow through with my planning to be successful with my diet.  I did not trust myself to follow the diet and, as is the case, I was not the source of being successful on my diet.

The same is true for you if you want to make a resolution for your career plans or your life.  Nurses need to use their GIFTS at all times to be successful in whatever endeavor they want to accomplish.  For example, if you want to go back to school, you have to give to yourself the time to study to get good grades.  You have to be in integrity with yourself.  Do you really have time to accomplish school?  Are you an online person or an in-class person?  Can you work at your own pace or do you need to follow a more structured schedule?  Will you be able to follow through on your homework assignments to make sure that you can get the course completed?  Are you focused on your school work?  Do you follow through and complete what is assigned? Do you trust your gut that this is the right thing for you and that you can complete it?  And, lastly, you are the source as to whether you succeed or not in school.

My wish for you is that you use your GIFTS in every facet of your life to accomplish your New Year’s resolution and have a wonderful personal and professional life.  To learn more about the Empowered Nurses GIFTS system, go to


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