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Empowering Nurses at the Bedside and in Business

Be The CEO Of Your Business

When I first started my business, I could not afford to hire anyone to help with the administrative aspects of running a business.  Once I was able to grow, I hired part time assistants.  They would work for maybe a year to a year and a half and then they would move on.  This happened over and over and it was hard to find part time help.

Almost 12 years ago, my part time assistant was going to start her clinicals in school and gave two weeks notice. In my solemn, I went to have breakfast at a place up the street.  I knew the server, Amanda because I ate there frequently.  Amanda took one look at me and asked “what’s wrong?”  I told her the situation and asked if she knew anyone. She said she was looking but wanted full time.  I looked at her and wondered how can this 18 year old help me and my LNC business.  Then I looked at all the tables she served.  Everyone looked happy with their order and their glasses were full.  I thought if she can manage this group of people, she could certainly help me manage my cases.  I had no idea how I would pay her.  I worried with paying her first, there may not be money left for me.  However, I spoke to my coach and she said if you have a part time mentality, you will have a part time business.  She also gave me the best advise ever.  She said make decisions from where you want to be, not where you are.  If you make decisions from where you are such as I can’t afford it, you will stay in the same place.  

I took a chance on Amanda and it was the best decision I ever made.  I am thankful for her daily as we grew my business together.  So now, my motto is Be the CEO of your Business.  Now when I need to make decisions in my business, I ask what would a CEO like Jeff Bezos do?  When you make decisions as the CEO and focus on expansion, your business will grow.

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