Empowering Nurses at the Bedside and in Business

Call To Action

Maybe I am dating myself but when you used to look at those ads in the Yellow Pages you likely saw that they all looked alike and said the same thing. This was especially true with ads for attorneys.

“If you’ve been injured in a car accident, call ME!”

At that time, investing in a Yellow Pages ad was very expensive. How was anyone supposed to know whether the ad was working to justify the investment? Therefore, every marketing piece that you create should have a “call to action” and you should track where your leads come from to know if it is effective. A call to action is something that encourages the potential customer to take action and respond. For example, if you are a legal nurse consultant and you’ve sent out a mailing (which I don’t recommend), how can you know if that mailing is effective? A call to action is needed.

A call to action for a mailing would be saying something like “If you call me in the next 30 days of the date of this letter, I would be happy to provide you with a 20% discount on your first case.”

If you are a home health care agency and put an ad in a senior targeted magazine, the call to action could be something as simple as “Mention this ad and get a 10% discount or call us today for a free in-home safety inspection.

Again, a call for action is anything that convinces your potential client to take action towards utilizing your services.

My call to action today is that if you found this newsletter informative and valuable, please share it with other current and future nurse business owners.

Another call to action that I offer is that if you would like to receive a complimentary 15 minute nurse to nurse business owner assessment call. CallwithLorie.com.

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