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Empowering Nurses at the Bedside and in Business

How To Close The Sale


Unlike nursing, where our patients come with the room, we are now tasked with the need to market our services and promote ourselves.  It is really not as daunting as it may seem.  I look at sales as a service and that I am conferring a benefit onto the people who I work with.  It is up to them to make a powerful choice whether they want to work with me or not.  When you can solve the potential client’s problem and share the value and benefits of your product or services, people say “YES.”

Nurses may struggle to effectively promote their services and acquire clients, especially if they lack experience in marketing and sales (which most nurses do!).  However, the good news is that we can learn these skills just like we’ve learned our nursing skills.

Many of us have negative connotations of sales. We look at sales like one of those sleezy used car salesmen who are trying to push an unfit product or, in this case, a vehicle down our throats.

However, I look at selling differently. I look at selling as a service. I look at sales as a service. In fact, I prefer to use the term enrolling. You are always enrolling or being enrolled. Think about when your friend says, “Oh, I want to go to this Thai restaurant, it is fantastic!” And you say, “I would really prefer Italian. Why don’t we try the Italian place?” Each of you is enrolling each other into your vision of a great dinner. You’re going to have either Thai or Italian. One of you is enrolling the other and the other is being enrolled.

Enrolling is the process of helping people see the value and benefits of your service so that they can make an informed choice. Your job is to stay unattached to whether they choose your service or not. Your job is to help them make an informed decision of eithr

a powerful yes or a powerful no. Allowing them to stay in indecision, just prolongs the person’s pain.

By doing this, you’re not taking advantage of anyone, but you are helping serve them for their highest good. If you are a sleep coach, think about what a blessing it is for a new mom to finally get a good night’s sleep. If you are a health coach, think about what a blessing it would be for your client to reverse their diabetes. If you are a legal nurse consultant, what a blessing it would be for your attorney-client to know they have a case that they can defend their client.

Here are my 5 steps to closing the sale:

Step 1: Assess

Step 2: Plan

Step 3: Intervene

Step 4: Overcome Objections and Secure Commitment

Step 5: Exchange and Accept Payment Step 6: Congratulate

Step 1 is to Assess. Just like in nursing, we must assess our potential clients to ensure we can fill a need. Be thorough in your assessment and make sure they are the right fit for your services. Ask your clients about their situation. What problem do they need to solve? What’s working and not working for them?

Step 2 is the Plan. You’re planning a solution to their problem. How will your business be the solution to the problem? This is the prescription. Recap what they’ve told you. That helps to clarify and to validate that they’ve been heard.

Step 3 is to Intervene. Share the solution to the problem, and ask them how it would change their life if their problem were solved. This is where you give. You give by offering your solutions, any freebies or discounts, and again show your value and how your solution will solve their problem.

Most people buy based on emotions. Get them into their hearts about what their life would be like when their problem is solved. By doing that, it brings them right back into their heart where they can feel the future joy and relief from achieving the outcomes that you will help them achieve.

Step 4 is to Overcome Objections. Listen to their objections and show the value you offer. If you get rejected, respond professionally and remember it doesn’t mean they won’t change their mind in the future. “No just means “next opportunity.”

Go under their objection. Is it really true? Many people say they don’t have money. Does that mean they are not going to be able to eat? Or are they choosing to spend their money elsewhere. If they really have money, then they most likely don’t see the value in your services. Share more of the value.

If they say they don’t have time to participate in your program. Is that really true? Do they have time to eat and brush their teeth? The answer is probably yes. We all have the same 24 hours in the day. It is how we use our time that makes the difference. Again, they most likely do not see the value in your services. Go back to the pain this problem is causing and the cost of not solving the problem them and share more of the value of your services.

Step 5- Exchange and Accept Payment. Accept credit cards or payment. Don’t put it off for another time, you want to do this when they commit. You want to secure payment and exchange their credit card information so you can get them signed up. Don’t wait, get them committed now and at stake with a financial investment. It’s a good idea to have some payment software accounts set up initially. 

I have taken hundreds of free programs and honestly didn’t do much with them. When people don’t pay for your service, they do not have a stake in getting the outcome that your services can provide. It’s not a good idea to give your services away for free.

Step 6: Congratulate! The last step is to celebrate and tell them what a great choice they’ve made. Really reinforce what a great decision they made by choosing your services and how you will do everything you can to help them.

I hope this demystifies the process of closing the sale. Your job is to listen. That’s it: listen! Be the doctor and assess the problem. You can ask questions to help them get in touch with the pain their problem is causing them. 

I have a few spots for an exclusive mentorship.  If you would like to see if it’s right for you, lets chat and I will be the doctor!

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