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Empowering Nurses at the Bedside and in Business

Know, Like and Trust

Potential clients need to know, like and trust you before they’re going to work with you.  The whole idea of marketing is so that potential clients can get to know you and decide whether to work with you.

Many think, “Oh, I’ll just start a website and people will come to me.”

I did a search for Legal Nurse Consultants and that term is only searched fifty times a day, not by attorneys but by nurses looking for education.  

If they do find your website, people need to know, like, and trust you before they’re going to buy from you.  So, the issue becomes, how do you get known so that people like you and trust you?

One – SPEAKING.  Speaking is a great way to share your knowledge and to let people know who you are and how you can help.

Two – YOUTUBE CHANNEL VIDEOS.  Create a YouTube channel with videos which allow people to see you and learn from you you so they can determine if they know like and trust you.  Make sure you ask that they share your videos subscribe to your channel!    Feel free to subscribe to my youtube channel!  

Three – FACEBOOK/ Social media allows you to get in front of people so they like you and trust you. Give, give, give before you ask someone to work with you.  Find groups with your ideal clients.  Check out my free facebook group!

Four – OFFER PEOPLE A CALL WITH YOU.  When people talk to you, then they can determine how much value you provide and get to know, like and trust you on a call and determine if they want to work with. If you would like to schedule a call with me click here

Sending people unsolicited emails and mail do not work because of the know, like and trust factor.  If you had a medical condition and received a post card from a physician you did not know inviting you to come to his office, would you go?  Probably not.  Just think about the know like and trust and it will guide your marketing.

I practice everything I preach!


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