Shifting Your Thinking To Abundance In Nursing
Frequently I hear nurses saying that we don’t have enough staff to take care of the patients. The patients are too sick. We have too many patients. There are not enough supplies to care for the patients and we don’t have enough time to do everything we need to care for the patients. These conversations are based in scarcity and lack.
There are 3 myths about abundance.
The first is that abundance is for others and not for me. Let’s understand that abundance is our birthright.
The second is that abundance only pertains to wealth and financial well-being, which also is a myth because abundance is a 360 experience. It has to do with abundance in relationships, spirituality, physical health and fitness, mental health as well as financial well-being. Nurses treat patients as holistic beings. Nurses don’t look at patients as lacking because they’re ill. We need to apply the same concept to ourselves.
The third myth is Abundance is something that you have to go get. Abundance is a mindset and it can happen now! If you were to rate your relationships on a 1 to 10 scale with 10 being the best ever and you find that most of your relationships are at 5, how can you improve those relationships now?
How about your health? If you put it as 5 on a scale of 1 to 10, what can you do to improve your health? This is some you can take control of now!
Spirituality: how can you increase it so that it is a 10 on your scale.
Action is the antidote for despair. If you are taking action to move your relationships, your health, your spirituality and your finances all to a level 10, then you are “abundant” now.
Should you find that you don’t have enough time to take care of your patients or if your facility is constantly short-staffed, what can you do now to improve the situation? The idea of going to your boss to complain that you need more staff is not going to work. It’s finding how you can create a win-win with your boss so that the facility, the nurses and the patients all win.
Most of us play a win-lose game hoping we will be the winner. But that doesn’t work. When everybody wins, we all win!
What can you do today to improve your relationships, health, financial and spiritual well-being? I would like to hear from you as to what you believe you can do today to improve your working conditions. Perhaps it’s not the right fit but how can you reposition it as a win-win so that everybody’s needs are met.
Let me hear your thoughts and comments below.