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Empowering Nurses at the Bedside and in Business

The Mess In Healthcare

Surprisingly, or maybe not so surprisingly, a survey performed by AMN Healthcare, one of the largest staffing agencies in the country, did a survey.  18,000 nurses responded and surprisingly, or maybe not so surprisingly, only 15% of nurses who work in a hospital setting stated they plan to stay in their current position 1 year from now. 

But what about the other 85%?  They plan to leave their current position within the year.  They said they may be seeking travel nursing opportunities, considering going back to school, looking for part time or per diem work or departing the profession altogether.  This is both sad and shocking!

The profession is still in crisis mode with unparalleled feelings of burnout and stress.  It seems that new nurses, who already have the highest turnover rate, report significantly lower job satisfaction than do older career nurses.

I can’t imagine coming into this profession at the time of the pandemic or now.  There are no other words to describe it except healthcare now is a mess.  The survey found that things which can reduce the negative effects of stress include increasing support staff, decreasing nurse to patient ratios, increasing salaries, a safer working environment, and nurses’ input at decision making tables.

Certainly, putting money by increasing salaries is not the answer.  I am not saying nurses do not deserve more because they do! The stress and the burnout will still exist and continue to paralyze the profession, with nurses leaving in droves.  Any suggestions on how to improve the situation in healthcare?  I would love to hear your comments.


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