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Empowering Nurses at the Bedside and in Business

Year Of The Nurse

2020 was supposed to be the year of the nurse.  What we thought would be a year of celebration was actually a year of strife where nurses were thrust into the frontline without adequate PPE, staff or support.  Never has a year taken such a toll on our most trusted health care providers.

Time Magazine named Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as People of the year.  This is an insult to nurses.  With due respect to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, they have done nothing for our country as of yet.  Whereas, nurses have served countless hours on the frontlines, saved thousands of lives and held patients’ hands in their deepest, darkest hours when family could not be with them.

I think Time made a huge mistake.  Nurses have done more for the health and well-being of our country than anyone this year.  Nurses have stood out in the cold testing people for COVID.  They have exposed themselves to the virus when working without proper PPE.  They have advocated for the health and safety of our citizens in our time of need.  Time flat out goofed.  Nurses are the true heroes this year and deserve the accolades.  Although is not Time Magazine, I declare nurses the People of the Year.   Now, go out and celebrate all you have done and who you are in this crazy world!

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