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Empowering Nurses at the Bedside and in Business

You Are Not Alone

Many years ago, a friend of mine with others hiked from Cusco, Peru in southern Peru to the top of Machu Picchu, the famed site of a 15th century Inca citadel near the top of a ridge towering almost 8,000 feet in the mountains.  She arrived at Cusco early to acclimate her breathing to the local elevation before starting on her climbing venture.

After a few days adjusting to the environment, the time came for her and the group to begin their trek.  Everyone gathered and started on their long hike.

The guide said it was a 10-mile hike to the base of Machu Picchu where they would break and have lunch followed by spending the remainder of the afternoon concentrating on attacking the climb to the peak with the ancient ruins.

My friend began to freak after she thought, “Wait a minute.  I can walk but I’ve never hiked like this.”

The guide, noticing her obvious anxiety, approached to calm her down saying, “Look, we do this every day and hundreds of others just like you have successfully hiked this trail.  And you can do it too.”

What I took from that story was that the path before us has already been blazed and the guide is right here.  You, in getting to the business of your dreams, do not need to create a new path.

I struggled for 5 years building my business because I was stubborn and did not want to reach out for help.  When I finally did reach out, that is when things changed in my business resulting in a substantial growth.

You don’t have to take this trek alone in building your business.  There are others who have already blazed the trail before you and if you just model your actions after theirs, you too will wind up at the top of the mountain!

If you would like to share with me a private one-on-one, nurse-to-nurse business owner assessment conversation, I am happy to have blazed the trail for you.  You can schedule at  I only have a few spots available so hurry so you can be first to the top!


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