Empowering Nurses at the Bedside and in Business

Getting Ready To Get Ready

I see it all the time: nurses getting ready to get ready to start their business!

Nurses want to start a business but instead they spend their time developing a logo and getting a brochure and a website before they even start marketing themselves and seeing if the business is viable.

In order to have a viable business, your business must solve a problem.  For example, if you are a burnout coach, how many nurses really acknowledge that they are burned out and want to get help?  Most wait until it’s too late.

Nurses are not waking up at 3:00 A.M. saying, “Oh, I’m burned out!  What should I do about it?”

No one loves to admit that they have a problem and by the time they realize that they are burned out, it’s too late.  It’s too late for coaching and it’s taking a toll on their physical self and/or mental health.  That is not to say you can’t use the same principles that you would to coach somebody with burnout and just re-message it in a different way so they understand they have a problem and they want help to solve it.

If you are like many nurses getting ready to get ready to start a business and you are forming your entity, creating your website, your logo, and your brochure, I can promise you, your message is going to change the more that your business evolves. Instead, you could be making money today.

Rather than getting ready to get ready, start making money now and use the money to bootstrap yourself.  By making money in your business, you are showing you have a viable business.  Secondly, it gives you the money to invest in logos and brochures, websites, etc.  Each day you delay, you are actually losing money.

Getting ready to get ready is a way to hide instead of stepping in and saying, “I’m really going to do this and I’m going to be successful and taking the actions necessary to get business.”  Would you go to a doctor because they have a nice website and brochure?  No!  You would go if you received referrals and met the doctor and know, like and trust the doctor.

So, rather than get ready to get ready, start.  When is now a good time to start?

If you would like to have a nurse-to-nurse business owner assessment strategy call, please go to CallWithLorie.com.  I would love to speak with you personally and help you start rather than get ready.


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