Empowering Nurses at the Bedside and in Business

Category: Business

Secrets To Networking

One of the best ways to get business is to network and in doing that, there are some secrets you need to know. Secret #1: People don’t come to a networking event to buy your product or service.  They came to sell you theirs. The key to networking is to create a relationship and then, after the event, set up […]

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A Successful Side Hustle

I love helping nurses to become successful. Have you heard of Stephanee Beggs, R.N.?  Stephanee was in nursing school during the pandemic when the time for her to take the NCLEX neared.  Because she learns a subject better by teaching that subject, she started a TikTok channel. That’s right, Stephanee used the social media platform to provide instruction for the […]

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Money Is Everywhere

When I was growing up, I could always tell what items in the refrigerator were bought “on sale” because there would be tons of it in the refrigerator.  As a kid, it was pretty funny to open the freezer to find boxes of Lean Cuisine alongside cartons of Häagen-Dazs ice cream.  I could always tell what my parents bought that […]

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Stopping Negative Self Talk

  Do you know that inner critic, the little voice in your head that doesn’t stop? The one that keeps saying, “Who are you to start your own business? Who are you to charge this kind of money? How can you grow a business when you’re having enough trouble finding time with your day job?” The inner critic is there […]

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Are You An Idea-Generating Nurse?

If you’re like me, you probably have all kinds of ideas on how to improve nursing, patient care or on another business venture. This is what makes us great entrepreneurs. We are idea generators! However, the downside is that sometimes we get so many ideas in our heads that we start but we don’t finish. Now, is this you? For […]

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What If Time Was Money?

I loved the 2011 Justin Timberlake and Amanda Seyfried film titled “IN TIME”.  If you have not seen it, you can catch it on Amazon Prime and I highly recommend you watch it. In this sci-fi thriller, people stop aging at 25 when a device on their arm notes they have 2 years left to live.  If you work, time […]

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The Little Engine That Could…Couldn’t

We all know the story of the little engine that could where the small locomotive was climbing a hill chanting, “I think I can … I think can …I know I can … I can … I know I We all know the story of the little engine that could where the small locomotive was climbing a hill chanting, “I […]

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You are the Master of Your Mind

As a business owner, it is so important that we are masters of our minds. Dr. Joe Dispenza says that our body is really our mind because we are a system of habits.  When we awaken, we unconsciously get out of bed, go to the bathroom, brush our teeth, put the coffee on and do the same habits we do […]

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Is Your Business Worth It?

I have had the privilege to study with some of the best coaches on the planet including Tony Robbins. Tony told the story of a man named Mel Fisher. In 1969, Mel thought that he knew where the wreck of the Nuestra Señora de Atocha, a Spanish galleon, could be found. The ship had carried a treasure worth an estimated […]

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