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Empowering Nurses at the Bedside and in Business

Category: Workplace Issues

Did You Get A 5.9% Raise in 2021?

It is no surprise that if you have been to a gas station lately, the price for a gallon of gasoline has skyrocketed.  Of course, you noticed that your groceries are also costing more. According to the Social Security Administration, they gave all its recipients (70 million people) a record breaking 5.9% increase. When I look at employment records for […]

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Stress and Nursing

Lorie Brown, RN, MN, JD, discusses the amount of stress that nurses are under and ways to relieve some of the stress in order to protect your nursing license. Lorie also talks about the importance of relieving stress and taking time for yourself so you can be there for your patients and not make mistakes. She also talks about different […]

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Florence Rigney, who goes by “SeeSee”, started her career as a nurse in the same era that penicillin was being developed. Graduating from nursing school in 1946, if you do the math, you’ll realize that she has been a nurse for 75 years, three-fourths of a century! And all but those first 5 years were at MultiCare Tacoma General in […]

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Safe Staffing?

Can you believe that mandatory minimum staffing in nursing homes is now a law in New York?  Interestingly, last year Governor Cuomo was exposed for requiring nursing homes to accept COVID-19 positive patients when New York hospitals were overflowing and then not being truthful about the number of deaths of nursing home residents.  However, New York recently passed laws and Governor Cuomo […]

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Nurse Fired For Wearing Hospital Scrubs Gets His Job Back

  Not too long ago I wrote about a nurse, Cliff Willmeng, R.N., who was terminated from his emergency room position for refusing to wear his own personal scrubs while working. Instead, he insisted on wearing hospital issued scrubs which he could leave at the facility to disinfect and clean rather than risking his family’s health by bringing home possibly […]

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Stress And Preventable Medical Errors

A recent Ohio University study revealed a correlation between stress and medical errors.  Even before the pandemic, in a study of critical care nurses nationwide, 40% reported depressive symptoms, more than 50% experienced anxiety and over 60% rated their physical health as low. This is so sad that we have such a number of depressed, anxious, and unhealthy nurses in […]

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Pandemic Forcing More Nurses To Leave

There is a plethora of articles throughout the country discussing the fact that nurses are leaving the profession due to the pandemic. Many nurses are frustrated due to the stress and the lack of support.  Many are being forced to reuse PPE, to cancel PTO and to work mandatory overtime.  Overall, most are flat out exhausted if not completely burned […]

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The Murky Waters Of Nursing Titles

There are several different degrees in which one can become a registered nurse.  They can have a diploma, associates or a bachelors.  There also are several master’s degrees.  When I attended nursing school, I became a MN, a Master of Nursing.  But now, the prevailing degree is an MSN., Master of Science in Nursing. With a doctor’s education, one can […]

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Office of the Inspector General Exclusion List

Lorie Brown, Nurse Attorney, of Brown Law Office, P.C., discusses the Exclusion List from the Office of the Inspector General (OIG). This list excludes nurses and other health care providers from treating Medicare or Medicaid patients. Lorie discusses how you get on the list, either mandatory or permissive, and possible jobs you can do if you are on the Exclusion […]

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Should NPs Be Paid The Same As MDs?

With 23 states along with D.C., Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands having full practice authority (independent practice without physician oversight), it would seem that nurse practitioners (NPs) in those places should be reimbursed at the same rates provided to physicians (MDs). However, these NPs are paid 85% of what physicians are paid for the same services. Although there are […]

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